Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Filthy sins

Not too long ago I was watching a very tragic video of how four boys were brutally beaten and burnt to death. It angered me and I started thinking of how the killers deserved to be hung in public. But the truth is that 'sin is sin' and I have no right to judge anyone. The one who kidnapped, raped and killed 30 women; and me that told a white lie which I considered harmless both deserve to die because every time we sin no matter how little, we crucify Christ again and again. Even Jesus said, ''He that is without sin among you let him cast the first stone'' John 8:7. It is not in my place to judge anyone just because I think I'm more righteous than them.

''So I don't care what they did to you, know how much it gets to you regardless of who disrespected, rejected, or neglected you, slept with you and sexually transmitted disease infected you no matter who, what ,when, where, why or how they spiritually or physically molested you, raped you, betrayed you, spit in your face just to show you how much they hate you; despite what they did against you, if you take two seconds and think about how you've offended God, it should make you understand how much you deserve death just as much as they do'' Ezekiel Azonwu.

We all sinned and come short of God's glory, and only He has the right to judge.
God deliver me from self-righteousness

''Forgiveness is our command. Judgement is not.'', Neil Strait



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