Thursday 25 April 2013

Justifyng Sin

It is sad when we try to justify sin. There is always a reason behind the sins we commit but that doesn't make it justifiable.

The Bible clearly points some things out as sin, so I don't understand how someone can take something that is clearly a sin and try to justify it.

Even I do it, after telling a lie and I feel the Holy Spirit chastising me I justify it by telling myself it wasn't exactly a lie, I just embellished the truth. But in all honesty a lie is a lie, be it an exaggerated version of the truth, an omission or a flat out lie.

Why is it that as Christians instead of us to ask God for help we tell ourselves we are not sinning. Then when someone tries to point out our wrong we shut them down telling them not to judge us. But the bible tells us to be accountable to one another. We are all part of one body and as such we belong to each other.

I know there are some disputable matters like drinking alcohol, don't worry we would not go into the age old debate of whether the wine mentioned in the scriptures is alcoholic wine or grape juice, not today at least. In that case I ask the Holy Spirit for guidance because what may be sin for me may not be for you; but the Bible is clear on a lot of matters, so why are we trying to justify them. In all honesty we may fall into sin but our attitude should not be trying to dress it up to make it seem like our actions are right.

Just because you're passionate about sinning doesn't make it right.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Pleasing God?

I know I know its been a while. More than a while, its been months. There are no excuses. I'm challenging myself to post more, hopefully I can keep to it.

 I was reading the story of Joseph and reflecting on it I realised that somewhere in the far back of my mind I'm afraid that I have I put my fear of man over my fear of God. In Genesis 39, we see Joseph in an impossible position, to either be with his master's wife and sin against God or to do the right thing and be thrown into jail; talk about being between a hard rock and a hard place but Joseph did the right thing and declared that he could not do such against his God.

Sometimes I find myself in situations - not as hard as Joseph - and I chicken out and choose to please man. I find that I love to please man more than God. Then I excuse myself saying 'God understands'. I realise that its so easy for me to please man and displease God.

I'm ashamed to admit that I don't want to step on toes in obedience to God, I'd rather be disobedient to God than displease man.

I try to please God as much as I can but I find myself falling short.

Friday 14 December 2012

You will have trouble

We all have our lives planned out but the fact is that our lives hardly ever go as planned. We desire smooth sailing in life but it never works like that. Life isn't rosy, no, its hard. There are disappointments, pain and trouble for each and every one of us. There will be some difficult situations that will take us by surprise. Sometimes life just downright sucks.  And it can be so easy to get discouraged about the future.

Even Jesus said, 'in the world you will have tribulation', the operative word being will, there is no way to escape the trouble.
He then goes on to say 'but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world'. When troubles come, encourage yourself in the knowledge that Jesus has overcome.

It is true there are challenges we wish we did not have to face, sadly they are here. When - not if - you are faced with these challenges, relax, take heart, hang in there because Jesus has got you covered.

Friday 7 December 2012

Peter and Judas

Peter, formerly known as Simon was a disciple of Jesus and so was Judas. They were among the chosen twelve. They both had a relationship with Jesus. Judas and Peter were with Jesus at His final meal. Judas even got a place of honor, sitting at Jesus' left hand. Jesus loved Peter as well as Judas. They both turned their backs on Jesus and they both confessed their sins. So yeah Judas and Peter had a lot in common.

Judas was a good man which was why he was chosen as one of the apostles and so was Peter.

When Jesus was telling the disciples what will happen to Him, about how He would die and all; Peter didn't like what he was hearing so he said, 'Never Lord! Don’t say such things. This shall never happen to you'. And Jesus responded by saying, 'Get behind me, Satan!'. The Bible states, 'Satan entered into Judas'. In other words, both Peter and Judas were influenced by the devil.

Peter's betrayal was worse, if you ask me, you see Peter was  one of the three closest to Jesus. When Jesus asked his disciples, 'who do you say I am'. Peter was the one to answer correctly and say, ' You are Christ, son of God'. Yes, Peter knew Jesus well, they were more than friends, they were brothers. Jesus warned Peter that he was going to deny him three times but Peter being the man he was, boasted  that even if all of the others denied him, he would not. Peter did not believe Jesus’ warning.

As soon as Peter was recognised as a follower of Jesus, he forgot all about his promise of 'even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You' and denied him. He denied knowing Jesus three times. Judas arranged with the religious leaders to help them capture Jesus. Judas, in the usual custom of the Jews, greeted Jesus with a kiss to point out to the guards that He was Jesus.

Peter repents of his actions. Judas felt sorrow and remorse for the part he played in the arrest of Jesus. He even tried to right his wrong by going to the elders and letting them know that Jesus was innocent. He gave back the money he got as payment for his involvement in the arrest of Jesus.

So what's the difference between Peter and Judas?

The problem was Judas confessed his sin without repenting. True repentance would have turned him to Jesus for forgiveness. Peter, on the other hand, turned to Jesus

Betraying Jesus was not the worst thing Judas did. He lost hope. Judas gave in to despair.

I'm going somewhere with this. The fact is many of us feel sorrow over our sins. We feel disappointed with ourselves for having failed. We sometimes even punish ourselves for our sins.  We feel as if our sins are too big and we do not deserve forgiveness. I tell you it is a lie of the devil.

The truth is the blood of Jesus avails for us and there is no sin that God cannot forgive. 'We can't cling to sin on one hand and forgiveness with the other'.

After realising his sin, Judas gave back the money and ran to hang himself out of despair.  Peter, after weeping over his sin, ran toward the tomb where His Lord was buried.

"Don't be anxious to condemn yourself every time you fall.  Instead, patiently, gently, pick yourself up and start all over again.  Why are you surprised when the weak turn out to be weak, and the frail, frail?  When you turn out to be sinful?  When you fall, be gentle with your frail, weak heart. Lift your heart gently, accept your failure without wallowing in your weakness.  Admit your guilt in God's sight.  Then with good heart, with courage and confidence in His mercy, start over again."  St. Francis de Sales

“God is not willing that any should perish but that all will come to repentance”

Monday 26 November 2012

Beautiful Imperfection

Before I go into this post I just want to take out time to appreciate all of you reading my blog. It means so much to me. When I started writing I never thought anyone would read it, it took me so long to gather the courage to share my blog with the world. And I'm glad that at  a few people are reading it and it has inspired at least one person. I appreciate your feedback too. Enough of that, let me go into the post.

Today was one of those days - you know the ones, where your clothes just don't look right, and your hair is doing its own thing - yes, today was one of those days. I was looking in the mirror asking myself what more can I do to look better. I added an extra layer of powder, changed my blouse, and lipstick; still, I just wasn't looking good.

It then occurred to me that I just wasn't content with myself. I'd be thinking maybe just maybe if I was slimmer I'd be perfect, and I tried - still trying - but its so difficult. What I lost was so little, it was frustrating; and its partly because I'm such a foodie - yes, I love me some good food. Lol!!!

I just realised that I sell myself short. I want to be lighter - just a bit nothing too drastic, I want a less round face, smaller cheeks and lips, bigger eyes, and a more pointed nose. I'd be telling myself if only you were a bit different then you'd be beautiful.

Somewhere in a part of my mind I believed that I'll be happier being different. Just a little lighter, a little slimmer, a bit taller, a slimmer face, a more pointed nose, a higher cheekbone, thinner lips, the list goes on.

Yes I still want to lose weight and I'm still trying but its not about beauty anymore because I know that being slimmer is not what's going to make me more beautiful. No it starts with me accepting that I am who I am not some airbrushed model on the cover of a magazine and I can never be anyone else.

I've worked through some of my insecurities and I'm still working on the others. I know I'll never be perfect but I'm beautifully imperfect and that's okay by me

Friday 16 November 2012

Eternal damnation

Since the day I decided to give my life to Jesus, one thing has been ringing in my head, 'Jesus is coming soon' coupled with the fact that I could die any day.

It scares me to know that one day life as I know it would end and I would be judged for my words - the one I said and didn't say, my actions, the work of my hands - in short my whole life.

I am insanely afraid of going to hell. You see I have heard about this place of eternal suffering and punishment. This place full of worms, maggot, fire and trouble. The idea of everlasting torment terrifies me.

I have also heard about Heaven and I want to go there. I really really want to go there but living like Jesus is hard, very hard.

I try to be like Jesus but I find that like Paul 'what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do--this I keep on doing'.

I know that to be the person God wants me to be, I have to forget about pleasing man and let my main aim be pleasing God.

I pray that when He shall come with trumpet sound, may I then in Him be found.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

My relationship with Food

I ask myself 'am I idolising food'? And the reply comes so quickly 'of course not'. Well, actually am I not idolising it by eating too much of it?

I have allowed my eating habits control me. My lack of discipline is evident every time I get on the scale. I have given my gluttony a fancy name, 'Comfort eating'. When I'm in a good mood I'd give myself a treat and get some Mcdonalds. When I'm in a bad mood I'd find comfort in Subway.

I'd be telling myself 'I'm depressed let me have some KFC hot wings to make me feel better' 'Oh I'm bored why don't I get something to eat' 'I'm stressed out let me eat something' 'I'm happy let me eat'. All the while saying 'food fills the void'

And its sad because as I'm typing this I'm dreaming about the French fries across the street from me.

What is wrong with me!!!